A stork has landed in St. Pete

A stork has landed in St. Pete to welcome home sweet Rory Isla. #roryisla #stork #storkplantcity #storklakeland
#plantcitystorksandmore #plantcitystorks #valricostorks #lakelandstorks #brandonstorks #lithiastorks #fishhawkranchstorks #fishhawkstorks #seffnerstorks #sixfootstorks #fishhawkstork #mirabaystork #riverviewstorks #bloomingdalestork #lawnstorks #welcomehomebabygirl #welcomehomebabyboy #birthannouncement #itsagirl #itsaboy #grandparent#itsagrandaughter #itsagrandson
#grandparentstork #seminoleheightsstork #mulberrystork
#plantcitystorksandmore #plantcitystorks #valricostorks #lakelandstorks #brandonstorks #lithiastorks #fishhawkranchstorks #fishhawkstorks #seffnerstorks #sixfootstorks #fishhawkstork #mirabaystork #riverviewstorks #bloomingdalestork #lawnstorks #welcomehomebabygirl #welcomehomebabyboy #birthannouncement #itsagirl #itsaboy #grandparent#itsagrandaughter #itsagrandson
#grandparentstork #seminoleheightsstork #mulberrystork
Stork yard signs are a wonderful way to welcome home a new baby. When you find the lawn stork that you would like to rent, CLICK HERE. If you have any questions, contact us at (813) 704-0545 or info@plantcitystorksandmore.com.
Each sign includes delivery, set-up, and pick-up after 7 days. Upon removal, the personalized keepsake bundle and sibling signs will remain with the family.
Delivery beyond 15 miles from my home business will incur a delivery charge.